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Showing posts from February, 2012

Urgent Action Needed!

Some immediate action all of us can take on the Federal level: Friends - We have some very current information on the Transportation bill. Senator Bennett's Amendment # 1709 to the transportation bill would extend the Production Tax Credit for wind. The Amendment has been filed and negotiations are still on going to determine which amendments will be considered. As of now (Sunday), the chance of the PTC amendment coming up for a vote is 50-50. That can change as the week moves forward, and we should all be concerned that the amendment will come up for a vote. The best thing we can do is get all the people in your reach to call Senator Portman at (202) 224-3353 and Senator Brown at (202) 224-2315 and urge them to oppose any extension of the wind PTC AND oppose Bennett Amendment # 1709 to the transportation bill. We have also been asked to call Majority Leader Reid (202) 224-3624 and urge opposition. Monday and Tuesday are key days this week ....

EverPower Rebuttal

A FACTUAL RESPONSE TO EVERPOWER ’S FALSE CLAIMS Julia F. Johnson – February 15, 2012 This paper responds to published claims by Everpower that local opposition to wind energy is not based on fact. When someone is trying to sell you something, the old saying “Buyer Beware” should be remembered. In the case of wind energy, this caution is important and appropriate. Because the proposed Buckeye Wind project area is so densely populated, one of the most important areas of concern is loss of property value. Jason Dagger claims there is no impact on property value and he cites a property value study from the Lawrence Berkley Lab as proof. In truth, even the author of the study, Ben Hoen, himself , criticizes the way the wind industry uses the study to mislead landowners. In Hoen’s own words: “You know we are very cautious about what happens close to the turbines. We really don’t know what’s going on there... It’s a dicey situation and complicated, but I think homes t...

Wind Turbines & Noise

Who should influence the wind turbine noise debate By Stephen E Ambrose Stephen Ambrose is a Board Certified Member of the Institute of Noise Control Engineers (INCE) with over 35 years’ experience investigating man-made problems in environmental sound and industrial noise control. I am respectfully writing in response to the letter by Gordon L. Deane; “Misinformation has undue influence in turbine debate” of February 2, 2012 for the I have a question; how did he get himself in such an awkward position? His engineers should have foreseen and advised that there would be an adverse public response to wind turbine noise. There are published documents that would have clearly shown neighbors’ seeking relief with appeals for legal action. My profession as INCE member requires that I honor and obey “Canons of Ethics”. 1) Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public. 2) Provide services only in areas of competence. 3...

Guest Column by Champaign County Resident

Guest Column in the Urbana Daily Citizen, February 6th 2012 by Terry Rittenhouse Urbana, Ohio (reprinted on Champaign County Wind courtesy of Terry Rittenhouse) I grieve for my community. An issue of great importance is upon us. It is time for ALL of us to look at the issue of wind turbines. I am appalled at the lack of education among our educated people of an issue that is about to change our lives forever. Will you, who say that you care about this place, really stand by and watch as your good people are divided, the rights of some of your family to peace, violated, and the future of Champaign County, our county, our community, dictated by outsiders in a Limited Liability Corporation? An issue of this magnitude deserves your attention. We are about to become a commodity, traded on Wall Street. A new market has emerged; not in wind turbines, but in government wind turbine subsidies. Huge profits for investors in “green energy” subsidies have brought our community into focus. Wind...

GREAT Turnout at Last Night's Windfall Screening!

It was exciting to see so many members of our community come to last night's free screening of the new documentary Windfall by director Laura Israel. This film has received fantastic reviews, and the moviegoers last night agreed that is a powerful documentary. You still have another chance to see it locally Saturday night at the Urbana Community Center; check out our facebook page for more details. Come with your questions and you'll have a chance to receive real information from a movie depicting a situation very similar situation to what is going on in Champaign County. Don't want these turbines to be installed? Let your community leaders know how you feel! This is OUR community, not the foreign wind company's community! We love Champaign County and have a responsibility to be good stewards of this beautiful land. See you Saturday - and let your friends and neighbors know about the free showing of Windfall!

Just One Example of EverPower/Buckeye Wind LLC/Terra Firma's Mixed Messages...

From the Saturday, January 28th edition of the Urbana Daily Citizen : Wind Clarification Information accompanying a color map published Friday included assertions from an EverPower official that the company could not release Buckeye Wind phase 2 maps “at this time.” According to EverPower Communications Manager Daniel Lagiovane on Thursday, “It has to do with the OPSB (Ohio Power Siting Board) process. Until we make a formal submission, we can’t release any project maps.” When contacted about his statement by the Daily Citizen on Friday, OPSB media contact Matt Schilling said there is no OPSB regulation prohibiting a company such as EverPower from releasing a map showing where a proposed project would be located before or after an application. EverPower allowed to release a map of the locations for the proposed turbines or not? According to EverPower, they "can't release any project maps" due to the OPSB process. According to the OPSB? This is absolutely not tru...

Free Screenings of Windfall THIS Weekend!

Don't miss this opportunity to see this new documentary about members of a rural community, much like Champaign County, experiencing the promises of an out-of-state Big Wind company followed by living with industrial turbines after they're installed. Check out the trailer below and read the reviews of this well-received documentary. The official website is See you there! Feb 2 @ 7pm Mechanicsburg Christian Fellowship 4401 Allison Rd., Mechanicsburg Feb 4 @ 7pm Champaign County Community Center