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What Can You Do?

We need to take action IMMEDIATELY to halt this project. The people of Champaign County are just now becoming aware of Everpower's proposal to change ALL of our lives forever. Let your friends and family know that this is happening without your consent. A project of this size, sited this close to people, is unprecedented. Are you prepared for you and your family to be an experiment? Especially without any meaningful due process, as is the right of every citizen? There are approximately 60 leaseholders (no one can be sure as the wind companies refuse to release the information). There are approximately 38,900 non-leaseholders in the county. Why are a few dozen people dictating the future of all of us without more debate? The only people benefiting from this scheme are a few leaseholders and a multi-national corporation, who has no plans to engage in any profit-sharing from the sale of Champaign County's wind. They specialize in pitting neighbor against neighbor and making people afraid of honest debate. The Ohio Power Siting Board has the authority to issue the site permit for Everpower's project. They determine whether or not Champaign County is the right place for the proposed 492-foot towers. Let them know that this is an agricultural community, not an industrial site. Remember, these 70 turbines are only the beginning. Stop this onslaught now.
Send a letter to the Ohio Power Siting Board stating your position on Everpower Renewables proposed wind facility. 70 turbines cannot be installed without a site permit issued by the OPSB. Write your own or click here to send this form letter to the following address:

Ohio Power Siting Board
180 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215

Please reference Case Number: 08-0666-EL-BGN. And please keep in mind that this project is only the first of what could ultimately be hundreds of turbines here. Invenergy is the next wind company in line to come into Champaign County.

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