Guest Column in the Urbana Daily Citizen, February 6th 2012 by Terry Rittenhouse Urbana, Ohio (reprinted on Champaign County Wind courtesy of Terry Rittenhouse) I grieve for my community. An issue of great importance is upon us. It is time for ALL of us to look at the issue of wind turbines. I am appalled at the lack of education among our educated people of an issue that is about to change our lives forever. Will you, who say that you care about this place, really stand by and watch as your good people are divided, the rights of some of your family to peace, violated, and the future of Champaign County, our county, our community, dictated by outsiders in a Limited Liability Corporation? An issue of this magnitude deserves your attention. We are about to become a commodity, traded on Wall Street. A new market has emerged; not in wind turbines, but in government wind turbine subsidies. Huge profits for investors in “green energy” subsidies have brought our community into focus. Wind...