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Showing posts from January, 2010

Who is the Ohio Wind Working Group?

According to the group's website, the organization began this way: "As the first utility-scale wind turbines in Ohio were installed near Bowling Green on September 25-26, 2003 diverse stakeholder from 19 organizations began an educational process to form a strategic plan to guide developing more of our statewide wind energy potential. The Ohio Wind Working Group (OWWG) was originally organized under an Ohio Energy Office grant by Green Energy Ohio (GEO). OWWG is now managed by the Ohio Department of Development and funded through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Powering America Program." The Ohio Wind Working Group has specifically encouraged utility-scale wind development for central Ohio despite its low ranking on the scale of viable wind. If you are concerned about the development of the proposed utility-scale wind project for a heavily-populated Champaign County, you can communicate with members of the OWWG at the following e-mail addresses (also available on th...

Some Fascinating Reading...

There is some amazing information contained in the post-hearing brief filed by County attorneys Jane Napier and Nick Selvaggio. If you are interested in the facts about how Everpower's application (the "Applicant" in the following excerpt) was vetted by the State of Ohio, read below. Follow the link for the entire brief that was filed. "Apart from client concerns, the undersigned lack confidence in the recommendation process utilized by Staff to evaluate the Application. Specifically, the undersigned question whether the Staffs evaluation of the Application content was sufficiently thorough in order for the Staff to conclude that the criteria for certification as set forth in Ohio Revised Code Section 4906.10(A) has been met. The rationale for such position is set forth below. During the adjudicatory hearing, the Applicant used a corporate executive to "sponsor" the Application. Through the sponsor's testimony, the Applicant sought to establish the fo...

New Book on Wind Farms

Click here for a BBC interview with the book's author The Wind Farm Scam John Etherington This book argues that the drawbacks of wind power far outweigh the advantages. Wind turbines cannot generate enough energy to reduce global CO2 levels to a meaningful degree; what’s more wind power cannot generate a steady output, necessitating back-up coal and gas power plants that significantly negate the saving of greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, there are ecological drawbacks, including damage to habitats, wildlife and the far-from-insignificant aesthetic considerations. Dr Etherington argues that wind power is being excessively financed at the cost of consumers who have not been informed that their bills are subsiding an industry that cannot be cost efficient or, ultimately, favour the cause it purports to support. "The book should be required reading for every high school, college, and university student. It explains wind energy, and its limitations and environmental insults,...