HCP Comment: Put your message in your own words. Are you a
gardener? Ride a horse? Play golf? We enjoy the outdoors and the
contributions made by bats to the environment which, in turn, makes
Champaign County an enjoyable place to be
outdoors. The 1,000+ families that live inside
the project footprint enjoy the outdoors. There are two 18-hole golf courses
inside the footprint. The US Fish and Wildlife Service needs to understand
that this is not some remote, unpopulated area. Our only alternative to
the loss of bats will be to use insecticides and pesticides. These have costs -
both financial and environmental - for our families, our children, our pets,
livestock and crops. Everpower proposes to employ one of the least
restrictive strategies to protect bats because they feel the cost to employ more
protective alternatives is too much - it might reduce their profits. So
what? The message is simple: the Everpower Preferred
Alternative poses an unacceptable risk to the Indiana bat and other species.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service should select the No Action alternative and deny
the requested ITP. In the alternative, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service should
require that the Buckeye Wind project operate under Alternative A (Maximally
1. Go to www.regulations.gov
2. Type in FWS-R3- ES-2012-0036 in the search window.
3. Click on Comment to the right of the document.
4. Comment and submit!