Changes in the wind
By Brenda Burns - Managing Editor - Urbana Daily Citizen
January 25, 2018
Midge and Robert Custer stand near one of the out-buildings on their mini-farm on Parkview Road. The tongue-in-cheek message on the roof behind them could foreshadow Downsize Farm’s entry into the latest chapter of the Buckeye Wind saga. Downsize Farm is a Medicaid-certified facility for developmentally-disabled persons. The Custers are concerned about how the operations of a wind farm with turbines sited to the east and the west of them might adversely affect their clients. [photo credit: Brenda Burns of the Urbana Daily Citizen] |
Champaign County commissioners, several local townships, the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and a new citizens group have filed notices to intervene in the amended Buckeye Wind/Champaign Wind project, according to case filings listed on the Ohio Power Siting Board’s website. The deadline for petitions to intervene was Monday, Jan. 22.
Named Champaign County Townships United, the new intervening citizens group formed shortly after learning that a previously-intervening group known as Union Neighbors United (UNU) had reached an agreement with EverPower in December. Neither side – EverPower nor UNU – has divulged the terms of the “confidential” agreement.
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