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Reader Disputes Pro-EverPower Letter

File Photo from Madison Press

Published in the Urbana Daily Citizen, March 15, 2018...

A huge thank you to Bob and Barbara Behling for representing the truth!

This letter is in response to the March 10 letter in the Urbana Daily Citizen concerning the coal and wind industries.
About 10 years ago we met with an EverPower representative and considered signing a turbine lease.
We knew nothing about turbines at the time, but our subsequent research convinced us, without a doubt, that wind turbines did not belong close to homes. We realized that eastern Champaign County was too populated for these massive structures to be safely operated. After 10 years, we still believe that.
The writer asks why there is a flurry of anti-wind activity in Champaign County at this time.
It is because when EverPower filed a December 2017 amendment to the Champaign County project, maps with the proposed turbine locations were included. Admittedly, none of the turbines were in new locations. However, when residents that had not been involved before saw how close the turbines were to their homes, they began to speak out.
Champaign County Townships United (CCTU) was formed as a totally grassroots organization of people with concerns about turbines in Champaign County. To say otherwise is totally incorrect. We are Champaign County residents who have educated ourselves, and want to educate others, about the dangers of wind turbines placed too close to homes. We believe that just like coal mines, wind farms should be sited appropriately.
CCTU is not a “proxy or patsy” for the coal industry.
CCTU was not recruited by this law firm/attorney; rather one of our members contacted them.
CCTU is not trying to “delay and obstruct the wind industry.”
CCTU is not against wind turbines.
CCTU is against wind turbines erected in rural residential communities with property setbacks that do not even come close to the safety minimums recommended by the turbine manufacturers themselves.
This is why we oppose EverPower’s industrial wind farm project in Champaign County.
Bob and Barbara Behling
Urbana Township

A link to the article:

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